Thursday, August 8, 2013

Trying to be happy =/

Its really starting to sink in that I'm going home in 9 days, although I'm really excited to see everyone it still makes me sad to think about leaving Patrick by himself. I cook and clean for him pretty much everyday and sometimes I cook twice a day. I know its going to be really rough on him. At least I'll be done with school soon though and supposed to be visiting our home town for a few days a couple of weeks after I leave. So that will help a lot. I know we will try to see each other as much as possible but that doesn't really make being apart any easier. Its so rough having to miss the man your in love with all the time. It makes it hard to even focus on anything. I'm always so scatter brained when we are apart. I really think we will be fine though or at least I hope we will be..... What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?
 So I've still been working out and staying busy and all that good stuff. I'm kind of starting to get discouraged though because I'm not seeing any results. I've been doing a mixture of cardio and very light strength training. I feel like I've been working out pretty hard though, I don't know. Maybe I haven't been working hard enough. I've even been trying to eat a little better than I did before. Oh well, maybe I just don't enough weight to lose! Its still discouraging though.
 I also started reading a new book that my friend gave me the other day. Its about relationships and its so helpful. Just in the few days that I've been reading it I feel like I've improved on some things. So far everything I've read in it is so insightful and it seems to be right. I would recommend it to anyone. Even if you feel like there is not really any significant problems in your relationship, I think it would still be something good for you to consider reading. They have them for men too, although I doubt that any of them would ever consider reading it! You never know though... 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Exhausted =/

Shew gosh lol I am sooo tired. As I told you all I made a new friend, and we have been going to a workout boot camp at 5am a few days a week. It is wearing me out! I don't even know if I have the energy to wash the dishes =/  I know in the long run it will benefit me though. In between our workouts this morning I made a little trip to walmart so I could use some of my coupons and I bought some pens, dental floss, pickle relish, and white out for 11 cents!! I was so happy! I love it when I get to get stuff super cheap with coupons.
 So I just noticed this morning that I only have 12 days left here with my love before I leave to go back home to start the semester... It makes me sad but kinda excited at the same time. I'm dreading being away from him but I'm so close to being done with school. I've been working so hard forever and I'm finally almost done! In the end I think it will all be worth it. I'm sure we will make it through although neither of us are looking forward to me going home for school. We've gotten so used to being together every day. Its going to take a while to get used to not getting to see each other for weeks or a month at a time. In the meantime though hopefully we can make the best of the rest of the time we have together for now. At least we live in a time that we can video chat and all that good stuff though, I couldn't imagine having to sit down every day and write him a letter then having to wait on his reply to come in the mail a few days later, that would be horrible.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


After over 2 weeks of fast food and eating out, I finally made it to the grocery store. I hopefully got enough stuff to feed us for about 2 weeks. I used some coupons and saved 30 dollars =] I really want to work my way up to getting almost everything free but, from what i've heard its super hard and takes lots of practice. I'm going to keep working on it though. I've also made a new friend recently which i'm super excited about. One of the other skid pro operators came to work at the shop with Patrick and his girlfriend is here with him. We have been working out almost everyday together. Its so nice having someone here to do things with during the day. So far we have done yoga/pilates and zumba, friday we are going to start this boot camp course and i'm super excited about that. I'm just not really looking forward to getting up at 5am to workout.
 Since I went grocery shopping today I'm actually going to get to cook tonight. I think I've decided on making pork chops. I really like marinating them in Italian dressing and seasoned salt for a few hours then baking them, I usually make soul food potatoes and another veggie to go with them. To make soul food potatoes you just cut up some potatoes and smother them in soul food seasoning and cut up about half a stick of butter and just put it on top of the potatoes and bake them until they're soft which usually takes about 30 minutes at 400 degrees. I cant wait to eat a home cooked meal, its gonna be sooo tasty.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

My weekend...

So I've decided I live a very exciting life... Not! This morning I got the Sunday paper and the highlight of my weekend was seeing all the coupons lol I don't think I've ever seen so many coupons in a single paper before! It made my day =] Anyways, I've not done a lot this weekend. I walked my dog and played with her in the Texas heat for a while and went out with Patrick's work family yesterday, and we had some drinks together. Hopefully soon I'll be going grocery shopping, I feel like I've been living off of fast food for over a week now. Which there is a reason behind that. We had to spend a week in Oklahoma so we didn't want to have a bunch of food in the trailer that could ruin while we were gone and we just got back Thursday so I haven't had much of a chance to make it to the grocery store. I've mostly been trying to get caught up on cleaning and all of that good stuff. Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to Waco, TX with Patrick's boss' wife and his co-worker's wife. I've never been there before but I'll let you all know how it goes. Hopefully we will have fun. We are supposed to go shopping and out to eat at olive garden. Maybe when I get back I'll make it to the grocery store =/ but I suppose for the rest of today I will be spending my time sitting in the skid pro shop watching Patrick try to get his drag up tank (  extra fuel tank ) and welder hooked up and ready to go for the next job. Like I said I live a very exciting life ha-ha

Friday, July 26, 2013

In the begining...

Okay, I'm going to start by introducing myself. My name is Miranda, I'm 21 years old, and my boyfriend currently lives on the road working as an operator on the pipeline. We have been together almost 8months and known each other for about 4 years. I'm currently in college working on getting my diploma to be a certified medical assistant. When we first got together, while he was still in town, we agreed that I would continue to do on campus classes. However, that changed after he left, and we saw how much we missed each other. At least I thought it did anyways. I looked into taking online classes and we decided I would do that so I could stay with him on the road. After I thought about it for a while though, I decided I should just go ahead and finish what I had already started. Its much cheaper, less stressful, and we still be able to see each other at least once a month. So it wont be completely horrible. He is definitely not to happy about it though. In my opinion I think distance makes the heart grow fonder and makes you appreciate what you have. When you get used to having something good in your life you tend to forget what life was like without it, and you don't keep doing what it took to get it. So anyways, I've been with him on the road for spring break and pretty much my whole summer break so far and I'll be heading back to Kentucky August 17th.

 Now that you caught up on everything i'll let you know what I do with myself while i'm on the road. I'm gonna try to post on here at least once a week. I clean, cook, coupon, workout, and hangout. Pretty much just do what I want, I just gotta do it by myself 90% of the time. As I make posts and stuff on here i'll let you know what I cook, what kinda workouts i've done lately and all that good stuff. I just thought it might be good for ladies who are curious about leaving home for their boyfriend or husband to see what its like for someone else. Well, that's all for now. I'll post some more sometime next week =]